Musings from 6 months in the wilderness

Spencer Jacobson
2 min readMay 10, 2021


I’m emerging from winter — literally and spiritually. I wanted to share some of my experience from stepping fully out of mainstream society for about 6 months last year. I told myself — enough TRYING. I’m simply going to treat myself like the human animal that I am and focus on the very basics — specifically, ensuring that my nervous system is happy.

My hypothesis was that, I, and all of us, will naturally thrive when our nervous systems are well-regulated and we feel good in our bodies. So I focused on breathing well, eating well, sleeping well, drinking good water, moving well, exploring my sex and sexuality, spending time in quiet beautiful places. I stopped really trying to be better at anything but this.

Here is what I found in the field.

* I spent less money than ever before and found myself desiring less stuff.

* I started creating A LOT of beautiful things and identified as a true artist for the first time in my life

* My net worth actually increased

* I felt more connected to myself and other human beings than ever before.

* I stopped overeating.

* When I ate food — I felt naturally connected to where it came from and it gave me a greater appreciation for what I was putting in my body.

* I started sleeping 9+ hours a night (actual sleep, not just time in bed).

* Pain in my body started going away and I become extremely flexible and strong — with less effort towards my physicality than ever before.

* I found it easy to ignore my phone and keep it off or on airplane mode for long stretches of time — until I actually needed it.

* I stopped feeling like I needed to be somebody.

* My desire to keep in touch with a lot of people went to almost zero

* I fell in love with an incredible woman

These findings have inspired much of the vision for a community being created in New Mexico. A place for humans to focus on the act of BEING. Where thriving occurs naturally as a result of being in right relationship.



Spencer Jacobson

Soul embodiment guide, serial entrepreneur, love revolutionary | crew neck sweatshirt enthusiast